Karolina Jiřelová

photo of Karolina Jiřelová

Karolina Jiřelová has been working as the ASSIST and HMC Projects country coordinator for the Czech Republic since 2020 on behalf of the Bakala Foundation. After finishing her MA in English Language and Linguistics at Charles University and study abroad experiences in the UK and Australia, she pursued her passion in helping young people broaden…

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Christine Klinger

Christine Klinger

Christine Klingler has been a part of the ASSIST team since 2019 and serves as the representative for Austria. Despite being a lawyer, she has been working in the real estate sector for many years. Her eldest son, Konstantin, spent the 2015/16 school year in Philadelphia at the Westtown School, and her daughter, Rosalie, attended…

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Sam Lardner

ASSIST Country Coordinator in Spain, Sam Lardner

Sam is our Country Coordinator in Spain. He attended Hotchkiss School and Dartmouth College and later returned to Hotchkiss as a language teacher until moving to Barcelona in 1997. He and his wife Katherine Semler have four children, two of whom attended Taft, one of our ASSIST partner schools. Sam has been director of three…

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Dr. Verena Lautz

ASSIST Staff Country Coordinator in Germany, Verna Lautz

Mein Name ist Verena Lautz und ich bin seit August 2016 im Team von ASSIST Deutschland. Ich bin Betriebswirtin und war mehrere Jahre in einer Privatbank in Frankfurt für Marketing und Vertrieb von Anlageprodukten zuständig. Zu ASSIST habe ich einen sehr persönlichen Bezug. Mein Sohn war im Jahr 2014/15 mit ASSIST in den USA und…

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Joanna Martyni

Joanna Martyini

Joanna Martyni started ASSIST’s presence in Poland as Country Coordinator in 2011. She seeks out connections to schools and youth groups to find the best candidates and has proudly mentored over 60 Polish ASSIST scholars. Joanna holds an MSc from Gdansk University of Technology in Chemistry. She is a parent of two ASSIST alumni (Class…

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Bill Mena

ASSIST Staff member, Bill Mena

Bill Mena joined ASSIST in 2024, bringing with him a wealth of experience from his extensive career in the educational sector. Prior to joining ASSIST, Bill spent many years in leadership roles within various educational and non-profit organizations, specializing in admissions, financial aid, non-tuition revenue, and international recruitment for boarding schools. His work has consistently…

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Kerri Milne

Kerri Milne

Kerri Milne worked for 23 years in elementary education and after moving to Suffield in 2009 she worked part-time in the Suffield Public Schools while raising her two boys. Kerri first joined ASSIST in 2019 working part-time as a development assistant and she rejoined the staff in 2023 as an Administrative Assistant. Kerri is a…

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